Recovering After Piles Laser Surgery


Laser piles surgery in Kolkata is a minimally invasive surgical procedure 

used to treat piles or haemorrhoids. The treatment method uses high-energy 

light to cut or burn affected tissues. 

The surgical technique does not leave any scars and causes minimal blood 

loss and less postoperative pain than conventional surgery. Laser piles 

surgery also reduces the risk of infection, rectal stenosis or prolapse 

and boasts the least recurrence and high success rate.


piles surgery


However, any surgical procedure is only half the battle won. The rest 

depends on the effectiveness of the patient's recovery. 

Therefore, in the following section, the best piles specialist in Kolkata 

addresses and explains your concerns regarding recovery after piles laser 


What Happens After Laser Piles Operation?

After surgery, you will be kept under observation until the effects of 

anaesthesia wear off and your pulmonary function and vitals go back 

to normal. You will likely be discharged on the day or a day after your 

laser piles surgery. 

You might experience slight discomfort or pain after the effects of 

anaesthesia wear off, which is entirely normal. The surgical site will be 

tender to touch and the surgeon will prescribe medicines if you 

experience pain. You may notice some abnormality in your bowel 

movement, like a slight burning sensation, which typically gets back to 

normal after some time. However, if your bowel problems remain persistent, 

it is recommended that you consult a doctor.

According to the best piles specialist in Kolkata, you will likely be able 

to resume your regular work life after about 2-3 days of rest. 

Follow These Steps for An Effective Recovery

  1. Warm water and cold packs - According to piles doctors in Kolkata, 

    a sitz bath with warm water reduces pain and discomfort. Warm water 

    soaks help relax and reduce swelling, minimizing post-surgical pain. 

    You can also occasionally apply an ice pack to the sensitive area 

    around your anus to reduce swelling and pain. 

  2. Eat well and drink fluids - It is essential to eat well and drink plenty of 

    fluids in the days and weeks following the surgery. Piles doctors 

    recommend adding more fruits and vegetables to your regular diet. 

    A high fibre diet, 8 to 10 glass of water and avoiding caffeine helps 

    prevent constipation, making bowel movements easier.  

  3. Avoid physically demanding activities - After your laser piles surgery in Kolkata, it is important to avoid demanding physical activities for a 

    few days. However, it is also essential to move around and not spend 

    most of your time lying down or sitting. Gentle physical movement is 

    necessary to keep your body functioning well. 

  4. Be gentle when cleaning the anal area - After your bowel movement, 

    avoid excessive wiping to clean your anal area. You can use baby 

    wipes to gently clean your bottom and minimize irritation on the 

    sensitive skin surrounding the anus.

  5. Wear an adult diaper or sanitary napkin - You may experience anal 

    discharge containing mucus for a few days following your surgery. 

    To avoid getting your undergarments wet, you can wear an adult 

    diaper or a sanitary napkin.

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