Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

According to a breast cancer surgeon in Kolkata,the most common symptom of breast cancer is a lump in the breast. However, depending on the type of breast cancer you have, your symptoms may differ. While many breast cancer patients will develop a lump, not all of them will. As a result, it's essential to be aware of the various signs and symptoms.

Symptoms & Signs of Breast Cancer

The body, in general, emits various warning indicators says one of the best cancer doctors in Kolkata. The breast lump, which can be seen anywhere from your chest wall to your armpit, is the most frequent sign. You can have nipple bleeding or discharge, as well as soreness. Your nipple may appear flatter or caved in, and there may be redness and swelling in any part of the breast or one breast but not the other.

Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

·        A lump in your breast or underarm that persists and is usually painless. This is a common initial sign of breast cancer. Breast cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes can cause swelling in the armpit or around the collarbone.

·         Under your skin is a marble/pebble-like region that feels distinct from any other part of either breast and in any area with a fullness, thickness, or swelling.

·         Although lumps don't usually hurt, they might cause pain and tenderness. Some may give you a tickling sensation.

·         A flat or depressed spot on your breast is a sign of skin changes. This might result from a tumour you can't see or feel, dragging your skin inwards.

·         Other skin changes, such as redness, thickness, nodules, or skin that resembles an orange peel, may suggest the existence of a breast tumour.

·         Alterations in your breasts' size, shape, texture, or warmth are examples of breast changes.

Changes In Your Nipple:

·         Flat nipple/pulled inward

·         Itches

·         Sores develop

·         Nipple discharge is unusual. It might be clear, bloody, or another colour completely.

Remember that these symptoms can happen with other conditions that are not cancer.

If you have any signs or symptoms that worry you, be sure to see a breast cancer surgeon in Kolkata immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

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