Is it Haemorrhoids or Cancer: Rectal Cancer Doctor Answers


Haemorrhoids and colorectal cancer can cause similar symptoms. Therefore, people who experience rectal bleeding or lumps in the anus might stress about the possibility of having cancer. 

Colorectal cancer is rare. Therefore, haemorrhoids/other benign causes are the most likely the explanation for bleeding or rectal pain. However, it is impossible to accurately self-diagnose based on symptoms alone. So, if you notice anything unusual concerning your anus, it is essential to consult a doctor.

The symptoms of both haemorrhoids and colorectal cancer might be similar. Still, there are some key differences that you should know. The best rectal cancer doctor in Kolkata in the following section explains the key facts to help patients differentiate between the two.


rectal cancer surgery in kolkata


Key Differences Between Hemorrhoids & Cancer

Haemorrhoids or piles is a condition in which the veins inside the rectum and anus swells. The leading cause of haemorrhoids includes pregnancy, constipation, straining during bowel movements, and an inactive lifestyle. Haemorrhoids can grow in size and cause bleeding, pain and irritation.

Cancer develops because of abnormal and out-of-control growth of cells. Anal cancer may lead to the development of a lump in the rectum or anus. In contrast, colon cancer does not cause lumps or bumps that a person can feel using their hand, says the best rectal cancer surgeon in Kolkata.

Bleeding and pain are common symptoms in the case of both haemorrhoids and colorectal cancer. However, the symptoms are more likely to be due to haemorrhoids if the:

  • person relates to the risk factors like current pregnancy, constipation, or a family history of haemorrhoids

  • symptoms improve with home treatment like consuming more fibre, applying haemorrhoid creams or taking sitz baths

  • person can feel a lump or bump near the anus or notice a swollen vein 

  • symptoms recur but do not get worse over time, nor does it cause other symptoms, such as weight loss

Whereas, if a person relates to the factors listed below, they are at an increased risk of developing cancer. In that case, it is essential to consult a doctor and get diagnosed as soon as possible. Early rectal cancer diagnosis helps treat the disease effectively with rectal cancer surgery in Kolkata.

  • over the age of 50 years

  • having a family history of cancer

  • smoking

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