Breast Reconstruction After Breast Cancer Surgery : What to Expect

After your breast cancer surgery in Kolkata, losing one of your breasts 

— or both — can be a traumatic experience in and of itself. Reconstructive 

surgery is a tremendous accomplishment—and a separate battle.

Therefore, it is essential to have a clear idea of what to expect after your breast

 reconstruction surgery to prepare yourself accordingly.

Read ahead as a breast cancer doctor in Kolkata explains the key events

 you can expect after your breast reconstruction surgery.



The Initial Days

The amount of time you'll spend in the hospital following surgery is determined

 by the type of breast reconstruction you select. 

You have two alternatives:

  • Implant - Patients who undergo implant surgery are discharged within

     two days.

  • Free Flap Reconstruction - Typically, patients are discharged within

     five days of the procedure.

Both reconstructive surgeries have advantages and disadvantages, and

 it's critical to discuss your options with your surgeon.

You may experience short-term pain, which can be addressed using pain

 medications recommended by your doctor.

One Month 

Women who undergo either reconstructive surgery after their

 breast cancer surgery in Kolkata are typically recommended to 

undergo physical therapy.

Physical therapy exercises can help women:

  • Restore their strength

  • Adapt to new physical constraints

  • Discover safe ways to carry out daily tasks

Women typically take approximately two to four weeks to learn the necessary

 exercise techniques for rehabilitation.

Six Weeks

After six weeks, most women can return to work and resume activities they

 were doing before surgery.

During the first six weeks following surgery, you should focus entirely on

 physical recovery, says the breast cancer surgeon in Kolkata. 

Three Months

After your breasts have healed, the final phase of breast reconstruction is typically

 nipple reconstruction. However, not everyone chooses to have this procedure

 because it is primarily cosmetic.

Women have two options when it comes to nipple reconstruction:

  • They can have a plastic surgeon construct a new nipple for them.

  • They may elect to receive only a nipple tattoo.

Women who choose the first option will have their new nipples constructed

 using body tissue or donor skin. In comparison, a nipple tattoo is a less

 invasive procedure in which the skin is dyed to match the color of the nipple

 and thus appears three-dimensional.

"Fine-tuning" your initial surgery is typically performed concurrently with

 nipple reconstruction. This second procedure makes minor adjustments to

 the reconstructed breasts to enhance their overall cosmetic appearance.

What this procedure involves will vary according to the type of breast

 reconstruction performed three months ago. As with nipple reconstruction,

 this surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure.

One Year

According to the best breast cancer doctor in Kolkata, you can usually

 discontinue seeing a plastic surgeon for routine checkups a year after surgery.

Your breasts will continue to change over a year from their current appearance.

 Several of these modifications may include the following:

  • Scars fade (although they may always be noticeable)

  • Breast sensation is lost following a mastectomy due to delicate

     nerves being severed when the breast tissue is removed.

  • Regaining breast sensation. However, it varies by patient.

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